The Youth Organization of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan builds its activity on the basis of NIPA Charter and Regulations. The Organization elects its chairman and other elective bodies’ members by ballot at the Congress.
NIPA Youth Organization gained much success by carrying out a number of projects in the country. Since NIPA Youth has solid international relations, the organization hosted many international conferences in order to deliver Azerbaijani realities to the world.

On April 13, 2012, the resolution demanding immediate withdrawal of the Armenian occupying forces from the territories of Azerbaijan was adopted at the Beirut meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Youth Democrat Union (IYDU).
In order to make Khojaly tragedy known to the world the Youth Organization expands its activity every year and never puts off its work or efforts to deliver Khojaly realities to the world.

NIPA Youth Organization was periodically chaired by Ali Aliyev, Elshan Mustafayev, Rashad BAyramov, Nijat Javanshir and Afsaddin Nabiyev.

AMIP-in Gənclər Təşkilatı 1997-ci ildən dünyada 100-dən artıq sağ-mərkəz gənclər təşkilatlarını öz ətrafında birləşdirən Beynəlxaq Gənc Demokrat İttifaqının üzvüdür.
At present the Organization is chaired by Aykhan Etibaroghlu.