Rashad Aydin Bayramov was born in 1975.
Graduated from school with a gold medal.
In 1997 he graduated from the faculty of Social Administration and Sociology of the Baku University of Social Administration and Politology.
In 1998-2000 he studied on profession of “Sociology of politics” at the Academy of Public Administration Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In 2003 he finished the educational program “Consensus building and skills on holding negotiations” of the faculty of Conflict Management of the Texas University of USA and got an international certificate.
Periodically he held the positions of the chairman of NIPA Youth Organization, a member to the NIPA Political Council, the Secretary of Organizational Issues of NIPA, the NIPA Elections secretary, the secretary on NIPA Press and Propaganda, a NIPA plenipotentiary representative to the Central Election Commission and the head of Etibar Mammadov’s Election headquarters.
He’s the chairman of the Central Council of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan since 2020.
He’s married, has two children.
Tel (WhatsApp): +99450 542-60-05
E-mail: rashad.bayramov@amip.az
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004749348423
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rashadaydin/