Arzukhan Bakhshali Alizada was born on March 18, 1965, in Baku.
Graduated from Baku city secondary school No75 with a gold medal.
1981–1983 və 1985–1986-cı illərdə Bakı şəhəri, Razin (Bakıxanov) qəsəbə sovetində hərbi inspektor vəzifəsində işləyib.
In 1983-1985 he was in military service in the vicinity of Moscow city.
In 1986-1992 he studied jurisprudence at the Baku State University Law School.
In 1992-1993 he held the position of a lawyer and head of department at the Executive Power of Sabunchu District of Baku.
In 1993-1996 he founded a private production commercial enterprise, ran and headed his own business.
In 1996-2000 he became a member to the Independent Lawyers Network and dealt with activity of a lawyer.
In 2001-2006 he started pedagogical activity at the Azerbaijan International University at the faculty of “State Law” as a senior teacher. At the same time in 2001-2005 he became a dissertation student of the Philosophy, Sociology and Law Institution of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and was working on the theme “Citizens’ rights and freedoms determined by the Constitution in emergency situations”. He’s an author of a number of articles and brochures on human rights and freedoms.
He joined the national freedom movement in 1987. In 1991-1992 he was a member to the Popular Front Party, and the chairman of the support group of Sabunchu District of the Popular Front Party.
1995-ci ildə Azərbaycan Milli İstiqlal Partiyasına üzv olmuşdur. 1998-ci ildə Azərbaycan Milli İstiqlal Partiyası Mərkəzi Aparatında sektor müdiri, 1999-cu ildən təşkilat şöbəsinin müdiri vəzifəsində işləmişdir.
In 1998 he was elected to the Central Council, in 2001 to the Political Council of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan.
In 2005 he was elected the Secretary general of NIPA, however, as he started working as a member to the Central Election Commission, he resigned from his post at NIPA.
2010-cu ildə yenidən AMİP baş katibi seçilmiş, 2015-ci ilin oktyabr ayından etibarən eyni zamanda AMİP sədr əvəzi olaraq fəaliyyət göstərmişdir.
On August 15, 2020 he was elected the chairman of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan at the 11th Congress of NIPA.
In 2003 as a candidate of NIPA he was elected an alternate member of the Central Election Commission, as well as in 2005-2006 he worked as a member to the Central Election Commission.
At the Municipal Elections held in 2004, 2009 and 2014 he was successively elected to the Bakikhanov District Municipality three times and chaired the Standing Commission on Legal Issues of the Municipality.
He’s married, has three children.
Tel: +99412 537-00-98
Mob (WhatsApp): +99450 212-24-34, +99455 212-24-34
E-mail: arzuxan.alizade@amip.az
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arzuxan.alizade
Twitter: https://twitter.com/APartiyas