Sadig Mahmud Hamzayev was born on June 14, 1963.
In 1991 he graduated from the department of surgery of the Medical University of Azerbaijan, in 1993 graduated from the clinical residency. Started his medical career in 1993-1996 as an assistant, a candidate of medical sciences and a docent. In 2014-2015 he successfully completed the Transplantation Courses in Turkey. At present he works at the department of surgical diseases of the Medical University and also proceeds with the pedagogical activity.
Sadig Hamzayev played an active role in the proceedings of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan since its early days. Periodically he was elected to the elective bodies of party and duly performed his obligations and responsibilities. At present he proceeds with his political activity as a member to the NIPA Political Council.
He’s married, has three children.